Photo(s) Of The Day - (09/01/21)
"Welcome, welcome, one and ALL, to, 'I Have No Idea What They're Doing Here!' I'm your host, ME! First contestant, 'Me,' what're they...
(323) 428-6403
"Welcome, welcome, one and ALL, to, 'I Have No Idea What They're Doing Here!' I'm your host, ME! First contestant, 'Me,' what're they...
Um, I'm sorry, L.A. Street Sign, are you 'telling' me, uh, and, I guess, 'anyone who's driving,' that this double-fenced, razor barbed...
Yesterday turned into a "Short Walk(s) Day." Two, to be precise. Walked a decent portion of the H'wood Forever Cemetery, saw some...
Not sure the Gilbert Hotel needs to point at itself with an arrow, just to let you know it's there.. ...Or is the arrow pointing at the...
Nothing quite says, "Hollywood," like seeing an L.A.P.D. motorcycle officer as one of the security guards for a movie set on H'wood Blvd....
Yesterday started with a normal 'camera walk,' then turned into, "Stuff To Do," then, um, out of nowhere, to me, anyway, there was a real...
Initially, this was s'posed to be one of those, "This looks like a lifeguard bench, next to a gate, but there's no pool," jokes, um,...
Yesterday had a surprise or, um, two, as usual. Fake surprise one was actual people, taking ACTual photographs with ACTUAL cameras! ...
From time to time I see real photography being done with real cameras. Photos 1 and 3 are in Hollywood, Friday. I didn't ask for their...
I forget if it was, or, that said, when he saw these photos, "Oo! You need to post...
Yesterday's plan was to take a short walk, y'know, just to get out of the apartment, and take a photo or two. Well, the "short walk"...
Yeah, flare. I'm a fan of light/lens/sun flare, but the 2nd photo's got the reason I'm posting these. The flare's nice 'n such, but...
I was going to post only one of these photos today, but then commented that he REALLY liked the 3rd one, so,...
Yesterday's 'camera walk' was short, but enjoyable. Walked, what, three? Four?! A short amount of "block-walking," but, BUT, I was...
Things I like to photograph: Neat looking stuff, "Old Vs. New," and people walkin' along. And trees. I like! To photograph! Trees!! ...
This photo isn't focused on me, although, I'm in it, but, BUT, it's focusing on my new shirt. Go to to see what it's...
Today's theme, I guess, is "Y'Know You're Somewhere When." And, again, I. Guess? Y'know you're, what, in the '90's when you see a...
Took a walk, Thursday, just, y'know, to take! A walk!! Where'd I walk, you don't ask?! Oh, where th' local peacocks live. And do...
Saturday had some motorcyclists - that is, some MORE motorcyclists - on/in H'wood. Every time, and I mean every! Single!! TIME!!! ...
I did a couple'a things that I rarely do yesterday. I took a photo of a person, without asking if I could, which, again, I rarely do. ...