Photo(s) Of The Day - (07/26/21)
I was walkin' down H'wood on Saturday, and there was a shoot just ending. No "gasping," please. They were re-loading the productions...
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I was walkin' down H'wood on Saturday, and there was a shoot just ending. No "gasping," please. They were re-loading the productions...
Friday at is the Friday Night Dance Party, but that night ALSO seems to be dance night at as...
Walked down to yesterday with my Sony A7C yesterday, which I never, uh, EVER, do, to get..well, um, it doesn't matter what...
Today's theme, or, "theme," is, "Old Vs. New." A little old H'wood, and some new. Uh, "-ish." A traffic light, street sign, and street...
True-story time: I walk by this, er, "location," nearly every day, and, A) I've never seen them filming anything, B) I've never seen...
I was just walkin' down H'wood B'vard two Saturdays ago, when suddenly, BIKERS! Well... ...Not exactly the, "Easy Rider," types, but,...
Two photos, over two days, which explains today's title. The 1st is from yesterday, in H'wood. It's odd, how many "Jokers" are on...
Or, as it should be put, "Band Photo(s) Of The Day," as there were three, count 'em, THREE, bands in the Www.FarmersMarketLA.Com and...
As you can see, a band's happening soon. This was yesterday, and, yeah, some bands did happen. But, it's bedtime, so more on that...
If you know Hitchcock, and I know y'do, then you'll know what these three photos are so HitchCock'ian. And yes, it's a word. But if you...
As I said to @hartwickhanson yesterday, when I was taking these photographs, "I like taking photos, with my camera, of people talking...
Where's the Center Of The World? Well, d'uh! Los Angeles, obviously! More specifically, Sunset 'n Highland, or, um, thereabouts. Four...
Going on back to that, "Nothing More H'wood Than," thing I was doing yesterday. Yesterday before the following photos, three of 'em, to...
I keep posting, y'know, in my other accounts, the things I think are "MOST Hollywood." Palm trees, other film productions. Y'know, the...
If I understand this correctly, and I always do, today's some sort of "Selfie Thing," on IG, so... That's me, at music legend, Al Green's...
I don't necessarily want to be that, "I Did Some Stuff, Yesterday," guy, but, yeah. So, yesterday, some stuff was done. Some stuff,...
Dear Hollywood; is there any way, anyway possible, at ALL, you can be LESS Hollywood?! I mean, yesterday, I hit up my favorite coffee...
Well, day #2, apparently, of shooting the movie I saw, two days ago, and posted photos of yesterday. It's starting to feel less B'wood,...
Living in Hollywood. Ah, living in Hollywood! AH, the good ol' livin' IN H'wood!! Oh, I live in H'wood, again. No surprise(s) there. ...
Walked down H'wood, yesterday, and passed a (clearly) professional photographer - with two, count 'em, TWO, cameras! - photographing a...